At this stage, there really are no more excuses for not working out, yet many people still struggle to squeeze in a workout, but have you thought about a lunch break workout? Some reasons for not working out are valid: Successfully juggling a demanding career and taking care of family commitments normally requires long hours out of your day. But if you’re spending your precious spare moments managing a handful of fantasy football teams or staying current with every new Netflix drama—it’s on you.
And science has proven that a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a host of health issues. So if you’re unwilling yet to make your training work after work, why not within work, like, say, your lunch break?
If you’ve got an hour to get away in the middle of the afternoon then you’ve got more than enough time to get a solid workout in. Even with driving to the gym, changing, showering and getting back to work takes up half of that time, a 30-minute workout puts you back on the training track and puts you miles ahead of those waiting in line for a middaty machioto.
A short workout is always better than no workout—and getting the work in over the long run leads to healthier habits that may lead you to find other ways to expand on that 30 minutes.
The first step in creating an effective lunch hour workout starts by considering it as an option. Here’s how and why it could work for you.

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